As stated in the 1983 report “The Statement of the Case for NAES College: Building a Model for Higher Indian Education,” students, faculty, and staff at NAES participated in an educational experience that provided “leadership training and skills to individuals, who in turn use[d] them to effect change and improvement in their community.” In addition, and very importantly, all academic “knowledge within the NAES framework emerge[d] from and [was] harmonic with the Indian community’s cultural system.” In order to share more of just how the NAES mission and philosophy was put into practice, this page provides an introduction to the academic life of NAES College, including its academic program, student population, examples of courses, and a directory of student-produced “field projects.”
Academic Program
NAES College was, in many ways, a response to U.S. relocation policies of the 1950s that saw thousands of Native Americans from across the country arriving in Chicago. However, NAES pushed back against the assimilationist goals of these policies, stating that while there was “a need to unify the numerous tribal peoples who find themselves, suddenly, constituting the same community,” it was of vital importance that “NAES does not disturb patterns of cohesiveness on the reservation, but rather builds vital links between the reservation and urban communities by training those leaders who are members of both communities and who understand the special needs of each and developing dynamics between the two.”
With this goal in mind, NAES College strove for an experienced, diverse, and committed student population. Students were typically in their 30s (though ranged from 24-62), and might have had families, worked for tribes or in the community, and previously attended college. For instance, in 1983 the Santo Domingo Pueblo had a population of 1,800 people and students at the NAES Santo Domingo study site were employed by the tribal government operations, worked as tribal officers, and held positions in the county schools. The vast majority of NAES students were Native American and represented dozens of tribes, but the diversity of the student population also included Indigenous (e.g. Maya, M’chigeeng First Nation), Latinx, and students from other backgrounds. Lastly, all students were required to commit to the development of tribal knowledge during their time at NAES and to seek and hold leadership positions upon graduation.
The NAES College academic program was rigorous, with students expected to work and study full time, ultimately “develop[ing] study plans that maximize[d] the inter-relationship of their profession, the community, and formal academic study.” While the program changed over the years, it orginally consisted of six core areas of knowledge: Tribal/Community Knowledge, External Tribal/Community Studies, American Indian Studies, Regional American Studies, Universal Knowledge, and Professional/Technical Skills and Knowledge. NAES embodied its dedication to being a student-centered and community-based educational institution by emphasizing three forms of instruction in the classroom: faculty/student directed (“tutorials”), student directed (“independent study”), and faculty directed (“core seminars” and “special courses”). This framework and dedication provided students with a lot of autonomy over their education, as well as powerful co-learning experiences with their professors in and beyond the classroom.

In the Classroom
Student Field Projects
NAES College students completed Field Projects, a culminating research thesis that concluded their degrees. The projects represent an exciting multitude of subjects, methods, and genres: students produced tribal histories, linguistic guides and texts, course syllabuses, original creative work, bibliographies, and studies of community resources in Chicago. Students researched tribal colleges, created guides for tribal libraries, proposed implementations for new federal policies like the Indian Child Welfare Act, and composed histories of Chicago-area organizations such as Indian Health Services and NAES itself. They wrote reports on tribal nations in Chicago, from Winnebagos to Menominees, and they wrote their own autobiographies and creative works for children. They conducted interviews with fellow tribal members, drew on their own experiences to write autobiographies, and related tribal histories passed on from family members. In addition to functioning as research capstones, the field projects produce scholarship that reflects its authors’ experiences and expertise and that benefits their communities.
From the earliest project, on “History and Indian Leadership” by Willard LaMere (Winnebago) in 1976, to the most recent project, completed in 2003, the projects emphasize the primacy of scholarship by and for Native people, while also demonstrating the utility of that scholarship—and their own research—for other Native people. They participated in making a college curriculum created by and for Native people, one that strengthened Native identity, languages, family relations, leaders, and organizations. Julia Brown Wolf represents this approach to education in her project, “Learning Styles of American Indian Children,” Julia Brown Wolf (Sioux) represents this approach to education in her 1986 project, “Learning Styles of American Indian Children,” where she writes: “Education is communication, and what really needs to be communicated to Indians are not the facts of white culture but the idea that Indians can learn from whites without committing psychological or ethnic suicide.” NAES provided a space where Native people learned from and for each other, a space where they worked for the health of their lives, families, and community. The field projects reclaim education from its history of boarding schools and forced assimilation, grounding it instead in Native experiences and histories, and responding to current issues with plans to address them in ways most beneficial to the community in Chicago. As LaMere put it in his project, “The Indians have lived in two worlds which, by design, were wholly unequal.” The NAES field projects undertook the work not just of studying how those worlds were made unequal and working toward making them equal, but also of making a world specifically for and by Native people.
If you are interested in reading any of the student field projects, they are available at the University of Chicago Library Special Collections Research Center.
History and Indian Leadership
Willard LaMere (Winnebago), NAES/Chicago, 1977
Changing Values in Indian Culture
Leroy Wesaw (Potawatomi), NAES/Chicago, 1977
Art Showing
Georgiana Keahna (Oneida), NAES/Chicago, 1977
Santo Domingo Pueblo Current Health Services
Rosemary Garcia (Santo Domingo), NAES/Santo Domingo, 1979
Fort Peck Community College Planning History
Robert McAnally (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1979
Grant Application/Proposal for the Implementation of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978
Mona Bearskin (Winnebago), NAES/Chicago, 1980
Feasibility Study for an American Indian Day Care Center in Chicago
Clovia Cosson (Sioux), NAES/Chicago, 1980
Historical Development of Dull Knife Memorial College
Donald Bishop (Little Shell Chippewa), NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1980
The Strengths of the Cheyenne Family: An Identification of Positive Aspects
Dolores Underwood (Northern Cheyenne), NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1980
The Dilemma of the Northern Cheyennes
Don Littlewolf (Northern Cheyenne), NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1980
Narrative Bibliography on Indian Alcoholism
Joanette Takehara (Sioux), NAES/Chicago, 1980
Preparation of Vocational Education Departments for Accreditation: Dull Knife Community Memorial College
James Roberts, NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1980
Development of an Inter-cultural Child Centered Preschool: Wolf Point
Iyola Bearcub (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1981
Claims History of the Fort Peck Assiniboine, 1851-1981
Lawrence Wetsit (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1981
Management System for NAES College Libraries and Resource Centers
Joel Beck, NAES/Fort Peck, 1981
An Analysis of Major Child Health Problems on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation from the Perspective of Tribal Health Administration
Jennie Shoulderblade (Northern Cheyenne), NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1981
Fort Peck Tribes Project Head Start
Vernita Buckles (Sioux) NAES/Fort Peck, 1981
A Model of Fiscal Policy for the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes
Harold Blount (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1982
Fort Peck Head Start Training Model for New Teachers
Roberta Clinger, NAES/Fort Peck, 1982
The Concept and Design of an Indian Tribal Resource and Development Complex
George Bennett (Ottawa), NAES/Chicago, 1982
Northern Cheyenne Child Rearing Practices: Survey and Findings
Hazel Beartusk, NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1982
The Development of a Community Newspaper: The CBTB Inter-Com
Beatrice Chevalier (Menominee), NAES/Chicago, 1982
History of the American Indian Health Service of Chicago, Inc., 1974-1978
Ellen Cortes (Winnebago/Chippewa), NAES/Chicago, 1982
Sioux Curriculum Units for Preschool
Dolly Boyd (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1983
Development of a Design for a Small Business within a Non-Profit Institution
Margarette Delgado (Oneida), NAES/Chicago, 1983
Foster Homes: A Native American Children’s Experience and a Tribal Responsibility
Minnie Two Shoes (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1983
Development and Modernization of a Tribal Newspaper: Wotanin-Wowapi
Bonnie Clincher (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1983
Studies in Assiniboine Language, History and Culture
Agnes Johnston (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1983
Individualization and the Handicapped Child: A Study in Instructional Systems for Head Start
Connie Dionne (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1983
Economic and Industrial Development on the Fort Peck Reservation of Montana
Rodney Miller (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1983
“Zee-Be-Qua”- River Lady of Lac Du Flambeau
Claire Young (Chippewa), NAES/Chicago, 1983
History of NAES College: Chicago Study Site
Mayvonne Solorio (Sioux), NAES/Chicago, 1983
Approaches to Social Services for Urban Native American Elderly
Patricia Tyson (Sioux), NAES/Chicago, 1983
Legends of the Great Lakes: A Teacher’s Guide for Native Americans
Mae Chevalier (Menominee), NAES/Chicago, 1983
Development of a Community Soup Kitchen
Anita Alcantara (Cherokee), NAES/Chicago, 1983
Archives: A Study of the Chicago Indian Community
Wesley Andrews (Ottawa/Chippewa), NAES/Chicago, 1983
A History of Indian Land Loss on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation
Pearl Hopkins (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1984
A Biography of James Kipp, 1788-1880
James D. Tater Stiffarm (Blackfeet), NAES/Fort Peck, 1984
Dakotiati: A Dakota Grammar Text
Lenora Red Elk (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1984
The Development of a Tribal Extension Office: A Project in Community Development
Kathleen Goodman (Assiniboine), NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1984
Northern Cheyenne Indians at Colestrip
Darlene Bishop (Northern Cheyenne), NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1984
Development of a Model Primary Residential Treatment Center for Chemically Dependent American Indians
Terry Beartusk (Northern Cheyenne), NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1984
Development of a Clinical Treatment Model for Chemically Dependent American Indians
Rod Robinson (Northern Cheyenne), NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1984
A Handbook of the Sioux Language for Elementary School
Thomas Escarcega (Assiniboine/Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1984
Alcoholism at the Workplace on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation
Isadore Whitewolf (Northern Cheyenne), NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1984
Preventing Sexual Abuse on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation
Sharon Bearcomesout (Assiniboine), NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1985
Self-Esteem and the Northern Cheyenne Children of Alcoholics
Georgia Curley (Northern Cheyenne), NAES/Northern Cheyenne, 1985
Environmental Study for the Fort Peck Reservation
J. Dallas C. Gudgell (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1985
Methods of Enrollment of the Seven Tribes of Montana
Catherine Spotted Bird (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1985
Set-Aside Monies, Docket #10-81L, Assiniboine Tribe
Suzanne Jones (Assiniboine/Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1985
Fort Peck Tribal Financial Management
Paula Brien (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1985
Fund-raising and Management Techniques for Non-Profit Organizations
Ronald Bowan (Menominee), NAES/Chicago, 1985
Alcoholism and Its Effects on American Indian Communities
Joseph White Eyes (Sioux), NAES/Chicago, 1986
The Integration of Self-Identity and Self-Esteem Through Curriculum Development
Violet Brown (Sioux), NAES/Chicago, 1986
Effective Teaching of American Indian Students in Chicago Uptown Schools
Renee de la Cruz (Oneida), NAES/Chicago, 1986
Career Education for Native Americans
Joan Jourdan (Winnebago), NAES/Chicago, 1986
Contract Health Services Manual
Edna Smith (Assiniboine/Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1986
Permanent Planning for Indian Children
Gloria Whitebird Mellado (Chippewa), NAES/Chicago, 1986
The Chicago Winnebago Club
Brenda Snowball Carley (Winnebago), NAES/Chicago, 1986
The Survival of the Choctaws
Jesse Ben (Choctaw), NAES/Chicago, 1986
Learning Styles of American Indian Children/Cognitive Learning Through Cultural Concepts
Julia Brown Wolf (Sioux), NAES/Chicago, 1986
Youth Counseling: A Treatment Plan for Native American Adolescents, Fort Peck Reservation
Raymond White Tail Feather (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1986
Spirituality and Recovery from Alcoholism
Timothy L. Vermillion (Sioux), NAES/Chicago, 1987
The Conceptualization of a Native American Support Team for Native American Students
Cecelia Stumblingbear (Kiowa/Caddo), NAES/Chicago, 1987
Primary Issues in the Development of Sheltered Care of the “Specifically Cultural” Populations
Dalen Corazon (Seminole/Creek), NAES/Chicago, 1987
Survival of the Family: Overcoming Family Violence
Iris Allrunner (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1988
Treaties: A Role in Indian History
Robin Bighorn (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1988
Fort Peck Tribe’s Central Administration
Linda Boyd (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1988
Sioux Indian Population at Fort Peck: Their Migration and Settlement, 1862-1888
Raymond Dupree (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1988
The Fort Peck Tribes: Purchasing and Property Manual
Verbena Savior (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1988
Assiniboine/Sioux Rehabilitation Project
Patricia Stump (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1988
Feasibility Report: Establishing a Fort Peck Tribal Motor Pool
Arlene Small (Assiniboine/Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1988
Fort Peck Volunteer Health Team
George Redstone (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1988
Fort Union: A Trading Post
Robert Fourstar (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1988
The Eight Stages of Man: A Comparative Analysis
Sylvia Ryan (Cree), NAES/Fort Peck, 1988
Office Automation: Evaluation and Selecting Computer Equipment
Arthur Schenk (Chippewa), NAES/Chciago, 1988
My Personal Experience with Adolescent Prior and During Treatment Phase
Lincus Harris III, NAES/Chicago, 1988
The Group Home: A Solution for American Indian Youth
Inez Dennison (Sioux), NAES/Chicago, 1988
Legends and Stories
Aurelia Bets His Medicine (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1989
Computerization of NAES College, Fort Peck Site
Julie Christian (Assiniboine/Chippewa), NAES/Fort Peck, 1989
Fort Peck Community College Business Office Policy and Procedure Handbook
Maureen Dionne (Sioux), NAES/ Fort Peck, 1989
Record Organization for Fort Peck Tribal Archives
Richard Jensen (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1989
Truancy, Drop-Out Rate on the Fort Peck Reservation and Proposed Solutions
Steven Lilley (Assiniboine/Chippewa), NAES/Fort Peck, 1989
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Among Native Americans
Deloris Red Eagle (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1989
The Native American Philosophy of Life as a Workable Approach to Recovery: A Personal Interpretation
Alice Spott-Gajewski, NAES/Chicago, 1989
NAES 110: Native American Studies: Annotated Syllabus by Lecture
Hazel Cantrell Boyd (Assiniboine/Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1990
Domestic Violence and Dysfunctional Families: Survey and Recommendations
Rita Brown, NAES/Fort Peck, 1990
Assiniboine Bicultural Language Presentation on Structure, Usage and Contents of the Nakota I a bias (Speakers)
Rose Bull Chief (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1990
Business and Industrial Developments at Fort Peck: What We Do Well and What We Don’t Do Well
Jeanette Charbonaeu (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1990
Problems and Concerns of Foster Care Placement for Native American Children
Michelle Charbonaeu (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1990
A&S Tribal Industries: Working with Commericial/Government Contracts
Cynthia (Garfield) Michaelson (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1990
The Indian Health Service Administration Medical Records Operation
Deborah Tattoo (Assiniboine/Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1990
Native American Church: The Half Moon Way
Vincent Catches (Sioux), NAES/Chicago, 1990
Working with the Handicapped
Jo Ellen Grandchamp (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1990
Concepts of Leadership in Chicago American Indian Community Organizations, “American Indian Leadership”
Ina Jacobs, NAES/Chicago, 1990
Child Custody Proceedings in the Fort Peck Tribal Court: Considerations for Applications of Federal, State Tribal Law
Terry Boyd (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1991
Computerizing the Fort Peck Tribal Archives
Adrian Fourstar II (Assiniboine/Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1991
The Male Batterer and Treatment of the Male Batterer
Mitchell Headdress (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1991
Indian Taxation
Robert Longtree, Sr. (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1991
Report on a Model Social Services Delivery System Component Food Distribution Program
Clarence Macdonald (Assiniboine/Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1991
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: It is Preventable
Donna Murray, NAES/Fort Peck, 1991
Process of State Certification in Chemical Dependency
Nancy Steele (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1991
Alternative Approach for Mental Health, Human Services, Chemical Dependency and Addictions Treatment in Native American Communities
Janice Connors (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1991
Mazena’igan Bookstore Business Plan
John Eichhorn (Ottawa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1991
American Indian Foster Care in Hennepin and Ramsey Counties: Identifying and/or Alternative Approaches
Everina Mettler (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1991
Self-Confidence and the Success of the American Indian
Diane Osceola (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1991
Suicide Patterns Among American Indians in the Twin Cities
Lorriane Rivera (Seneca), NAES/Twin Cities, 1991
Indian Life on Skid Row in Chicago
Ed Goodvoice (Sioux), NAES/Chicago, 1991
White House Conference on Indian Education
Michael Chapman, NAES/Chicago, 1991 (VHS cassette)
Positive Indian Parenting: A Historical and Comparative Study
Beatrice Stewart (Chippewa), NAES/Chicago, 1991
Fort Peck Tribal Court Recommendations for Structural and Functional Improvements
Leighton Reum (Assiniboine/Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1991
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Breaking the Cycle
Lisa M. Nahquaddy (Menominee), NAES/Menominee, 1991
Menominee Development, Past and Present, on Menominee Reservation/County
Rudolph Reiter (Menominee), NAES/Menominee, 1991
Menominee Pottery: Prehistoric/Contemporary
Sawonoh-Quay (Menominee), NAES/Menominee, 1991
Diabetes, Dialysis and Me
June Daniels Clark (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1992
Traditional Education vs. Non-Traditional Education
Mary Ellen Frislie (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1992
Assessment of Indian Reservation-Economic and Business Development
Lonnie Red Dog (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1992
Wild Life Management on the Fort Peck Reservation
Henri G. Headdress (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1992
Management Systems for the Menominee Big Drum People, Inc.
Aurelia S. Awononhopay (Menominee), NAES/Menominee, 1992
Ground Work for Alcohol Prevention in American Indian Communities
Wanda Guzman (Menominee), NAES/Menominee, 1992
A Survey of Three Clan Systems: The Menominee, Ojibwa and Potawatomi
Lisa R. Johnson, NAES/Menominee, 1992
Use of Legends in the Classroom
Rosanna R. Schanandore (Menominee), NAES/Menominee, 1992
Native American Cultural Centers: A Comprehensive Summary
Yvonne Murray-Ramos (Chippewa), NAES/Chicago, 1992
Sexual Assault: From Victim to Survivor
Renee R. House (Oneida), NAES/Chicago, 1992
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: the Preventable Disease
Nola Culberson (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1993
Child Abuse: An Overview
Marilyn Martell (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1993
My Life as an Asthmatic
Joanetta Snell (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1993
Teaching Cultural Values and Building Self-Esteem
Karen Washinawatok (Menominee), NAES/Menominee, 1993
Effects of Forced Removal from Family and Culture on Indian Children
Cheryl Avina (Sioux), NAES/Twin Cities, 1993
Cultural Competency Training and Technical Assistance for Providers Who Work with American Indian Families
Amy Deer (Cherokee), NAES/Twin Cities, 1993
Native Americans in U.S. Military Service: Always Ignored, Always Shining
Gerald (Jerry) C. Northrop (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1993
Claiming My Anishnabe
Georgiana Rose Scott (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1993
Do They Have Beer in Heaven?
Joseph Big Bear (Ojibwa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1993
Treaty with the Sioux-Sisseton and Wahpeton Bands of 1867
Harlan LaFontaine (Sisseton), NAES/Twin Cities, 1993
Teaching the Ojibway Language and Culture to Preschool Children
Delores Wakefield (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1993
Planning, Development and the Operation of Rainbow Daycare
Joyce Stevenson (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1993
Tribal Authority for Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse Rights and Responsibilities
Patty McGeshick (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1994
The Destruction of the Totemic Governance System
Roy Roberts (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1994
Ritual Not Reason: An Indian Perspective on Mental Health
Odessa Flores (Maya), NAES/Twin Cities, 1994
The Indian Child Welfare Act, Foster Care Placement and the Community
Thelberta Ann Lussier (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1994
Native American Urban Survival Schools
Anne Richanda Mitchell (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1994
A Historical Perspective of Events Leading to the Implementation of Public Law 101-601: The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
Donna Marie Mitchell (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1994
Indian Child Welfare Act: “A Way of Life”
Leona Marie Raisch (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1994
Speaking for Our Children: A Look at the Guardian and Litem Program
Valerie Ann Sheehan (Ojibwe), NAES/Twin Cities, 1994
Management of Tribal Patient Care, Fort Peck Reservation
Ja Nell Knowles, NAES/Fort Peck, 1995
Effects of the Horse and the Gun on the Teton’s Western Movement: 1770-1873
Richard A. Longee (Fort Peck Tribes), NAES/Fort Peck, 1995
Establishing the Fort Peck Community College Day Care Center
Mary L. Plante (Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1995
Historic River Drive Sites on the Wolf
Rebecca D. Alegria (Menominee), NAES/Menominee, 1995
Hudson Venture
Charles D. Fox (Sokaogon Chippewa), NAES/Menominee, 1995
Environmental/Cultural Liaison Educator, Protector, Interpreter
David W. Oshkosh, Sr. (Menominee), NAES/Menominee, 1995
Save the Wolf
Robert L. Unger, Jr. NAES/Menominee, 1995
Patricia Crawford (Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1996
A Search for Tribal Identity: A Brief, Comparative Exploration of Two Cultures
Joseph Miller, Jr. (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1996
Historic Presents for North American Indians
Romona Chevalier (Winnebago), NAES/Menominee, 1996
Preservation of Menominee Language
Rose Wayka (Menominee), NAES/Menominee, 1996
Schooling in the Navajo Community: A Case Study
Candace Lee Salo (Grand Traverse Band of Chippewa and Ottawa), NAES/Chicago, 1996
New Approach to Delivery of Services to Disabled Urban Native Americans
Dwight Steele (Winnebago), NAES Twin Cities, 1996
Alcoholism and the Destruction of Families
Esther Escarcega (Navajo), NAES/Fort Peck, 1997
Alcoholism and Native American Women
Barbara Hamilton (Assiniboine/Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1997
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Effects: Its Effects on Individual, Family and Community
Carlene Red Dog, NAES/Fort Peck, 1997
A Question of Trust: Jurisdiction and Indian Trust Land
Bridget Smith, NAES/Fort Peck, 1997
Survival of American Indian Health Service of Chicago, Inc.: Long Range Plan and Short Planned Approach
Amelia Ortiz (Ho-Chunck), NAES Chicago, 1997
Stories and Poems for Indian Children
Jeanne LaTraille (Oneida), NAES/Chicago, 1997
Iroquois and Ojibway Culture, History, Myths, Tales and Legends
Brenda Dickerson (Oneida), NAES/Chicago, 1998
Teaching Strategies for FAS/FAE Students
Mary Sue Jackson (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1998
Where Have All the Children Gone? The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation
Richard K. Jackson (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1998
Chicago’s Native American Community: Our Elders Look Back
Nora Moore Lloyd (Ojibwe), Chicago, 1998
Health Care: A Holistic Approach
Rhonda G. Michell (Blackfeet), NAES/Fort Peck, 1998
NAES College Registrar’s Handbook
Christine Redcloud (Ojibwe), NAES/Chicago, 1998
Working with Indian Children in FAS/FAE
Rochelle Redstone (Assiniboine), NAES/Fort Peck, 1998
A Proposal to Implement an Accredited Service Learning Component into the Native American Educational Services College CS Project Curricula
Lisa Bellanger (Ojibwe), NAES/Twin Cities, 1998
Proposal for Redevelopment of Mission Lodge
Joseph Lloyd Goulet (Chippewa), NAES/Twin Cities, 1998
Growing into a Career
Willard Male Bear, Sr. (Sioux), NAES/Twin Cities, 1998
An Urban Indian Involvement in the Neighborhood Revitalization Program of Minneapolis
Cornell Tahdooahnippah (Comanche), NAES/Twin Cities, 1998
The History of Lifestyles of Native Gangs: Gangs in Minneapolis and Minnesota
Frankie Papasodora (Ojibwe), NAES/Twin Cities, 1998
One Native Woman’s Journey Through Life Before Welfare
Raine Adams (Assiniboine/Sioux), NAES/Fort Peck, 1998
Five Chippewa Children
Karen A. Lanners, NAES/Chicago, 1999
Indian Child Welfare: A Violation of Trust?
Antonia Wheeler Sheehy, NAES/Chicago, 1999
Inter-Generational Sin
Roxanne T. Bourneau, NAES/Fort Peck, 1999
Diabetes and Native Americans
Royce A. Jackson, NAES/Chicago, 1999
The Importance of Native American Culture and History in the Education of our Youth and Families
Olivia Lorentz, NAES/Fort Peck, 1999
A Narrative of the Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux, 1886-1999
Kenny Shields Jr., NAES/Fort Peck, 1999
Perceptions of the Effects of Gaming on a Dakota Community: A Survey of the Upper Sioux Community
Robert A. Fluto (Mdewakanton Dakota), NAES/Twin Cities, 1999
An Evaluation of the Twin Cities Healthy Nations Mentorship Project
Matthew LaFave, NAES/Twin Cities, 1999
Identity: Societal Perception and the Impact on Self-Definition
Lynette M. Sylvain, NAES/Twin Cities, 1999
American Indian Educational Schools and Programs in Chicago’s Urban Area “Past and Present”
Mary Ann Armstrong, NAES/Chicago, 1999
American Indian Maternal and Child Health in Minnesota: Infant Mortality
Cynthia Pearl Ellis Madigan, NAES/Twin Cities, 1999
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Gloria Chopper, NAES/Fort Peck, 1999
History of South Branch and South Branch Youth Group
Rebecca M Brunette, 2000
Granny Mohawk’s Land
Linda J. Mohawk-Katchenago, NAES/Menominee, 2000
Menominee Tribal Police Department: Native American Law Enforcement on Menominee
Norman Shawanokasic, NAES/Menominee, 2000
Child Sexual Abuse: Protect Our Children From It
Cheryl A. Warrington, NAES/Menominee, 2000
Connecting Green Building Design to American Indian Values
Sharon A. Taylor, NAES/Chicago, 2000
Menominee Art: A Travel Through Time
Lisa Dickenson, NAES/Menominee, 2000
In the Life of George Edward Vigue
Margaret R. Wilber, NAES/Menominee, 2000
Nuniwarmiut of Nunivak Island, Alaska: A Definition Paper on Self-Governance
Angelina L. Santa Ana, NAES/Chicago, 2000
Life in the Boarding Schools
Cora C. Pecore, NAES/Menominee, 2001
Earl Wescott, Sr. (1926- ): Menominee Elder
Carol Barnes, NAES/Menominee, 2001
Affects of Substance Abuse: A Personal Anecdote
Ardith Waupoose, NAES/Menominee, 2001
Native American Gangs in Menneapolis & Minnesota
Flora White, NAES/Twin Cities, 2002
Substance Abuse in Chicago Native American Community: A Qualitative Study Using the Numerical Group Method
Linda D.M. Marotta, NAES/Chicago, 2003
The Life and Family of Louise “Chemon” Amour: A Menominee Medicine Woman
Crystal I. Caldwell, NAES/Menominee, 2003
Alcohol and its Affects in the Forest County Potawatomi Community
Patricial Pauliot, NAES/Menominee, 2003
Menominee Boarding/Detention Center: Keeping Troubled Youth at Home
Trudell Shawanokasic, NAES/Menominee, 2003
Keeping Foster Children in the Menominee Community
Evelyn Wescott, NAES/Menominee, 2003
Year Unknown
The Role of Tribal Courts in Public Law 280 States
Perry Baker, undated
Chicago Indian Community Intervention and the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978
Debra Valentino, NAES/Chicago, undated